• 歡迎光臨,請問要內用還是外帶?

Hello.  For here or to go?
(for here就是在這裡用,to go或take out就是外帶)

  •  (如果是內用) 請問幾位?

For how many?
(對方也許會說 I want a table for four-我要一桌4個人的座位)

  • 可以幫你點餐了嗎?

May I take your order? (這個比較像速食店櫃台在講的)
Are you ready to order now? -您準備好要點餐了嗎(一般餐廳用這個比較親切有禮)

  • 你的牛排要幾分熟? (幫註明幾分熟的英文)

How do you like your steak.
rare 或 medium rare是約3分熟.如果對方只說rare,最好再問一下是不是with blood(帶血)之類的,因為說rare的人,有的人是吃約3分熟,有的人卻是吃很生的.
medium 5分熟 medium-well 7分熟 
well或well-done或cooked 9分熟/全熟

  • 那是要黑胡椒醬,還是要蘑菇醬?

What kind of sauce do you like 您想要什麼醬料?
Black-pepper sauce (this is spicy) 黑胡椒醬(這是辣的)
Mushroom sauce (this is a little bit sweet) 蘑菇醬(這有一點甜)

  • 請問要搭配附餐 B餐或C餐嗎?

Would you like to order a set? 要不要點套餐
What would you like for side-order? 您想要什麼附餐.
Would you prefer set B, or C? 你想要B餐或C餐.

  • 沙拉有四種你可以選一種

You can choose one of these 4 types of salad.
We have 4 types of salad for you to choose from.

  • 飲料你可以任選一種

You can choose any drink you like. 您可任選想要的飲料
You can choose one from these drinks. 您可從這些飲料中選一種.

  • 今天有玉米濃湯跟奶油蘑菇湯你要哪一種?

Today we have corn chowder and cream of mushroom soup, which one would you like?
chowder是濃湯,海鮮濃湯是seafood chowder

  • Pizza買大送大或買小送兩杯湯

For large pizza, you buy one and get one free.
Or if you like small pizza, it comes with two cups of soup for free.
如果要說某樣東西是送的或免費的,可以說it's complementary.


Seared outside, cold inside (外部稍微烤過, 裡面是冷的)

Rare: Red and cool on the inside (牛排外面跟裡面都是冷的, 大概 二分熟)

Medium Rare: Red and warm on the inside (三~四分熟, 外冷牛排內有點微熟)

Medium: Pink and hot on the inside (五分熟)

Medium Well: Slightly pink and hot on the inside (七到八分熟, 裡面牛肉有熟可是沒有完全熟透)

Well Done: Cooked throughout (全熟)


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